How many times have you parked the car in a multi-storey car park, told yourself twenty times what level you have parked on, even noted on your phone inside the notes or taken a photo?
Yes, we have all been there! Lost – “where’s the car?” You’re sure it was this level. Your younger version of yourself would have just laughed and navigated your way around until you found your car.
However now, a mild sort of panic and hot flush can appear and strike making the whole episode a complete mess! Brain fog what an annoying symptom of the menopause. Let’s not even start on pin numbers or passwords, that is a whole new chapter! Laugh we may, but it is a frustrating symptom if you have had a terrible nights sleep from hot sweats or insomnia. It can just add to more pressure and anxiety.
Food shopping is another one on the list, hands up who has a handbag full of shopping lists/post-it notes?
When returning home with your shopping, yep, the items on the list are missing? It is like the twilight zone. You were pretty sure that you had remembered everything that you had intended to buy, only to discover you had forgotten the items so they get added onto the list for the next trip. Not only do you have to contend with the mundane chore of food shopping, but a hot flush can also come on when packing the shopping at the checkout. The sign of menopause becomes even clearer when you start to loudly than usual sigh or huff! It suddenly makes an appearance and this is when you know you have met the menopause! We all know the sound.
When it happened to me, it mildly amused me but this symptom is a hard one, when it comes you can be frozen and just completely forget what you said or needed to do or ask. It can be frightening at first as you then think, do I have something seriously wrong with me? and it can be very frustrating at times.
Your new best friend is now the post-it note and pen, lists and to do lists. To make sure you do not forget what you need to do. It can be so frustrating if you are an organised person, it is a bitter pill to swallow at times. I was always so organised and enjoyed doing so.
“If it comes, let it” “If it goes, let it” @vybesource
If you are having symptoms consider visiting your GP to discuss. Personally, I use lists and post-it notes daily to help me stay focused when I need to. A good nights sleep, some exercise and fresh air and a good dose of humour help to get me through. I have also found it best to be just honest with people and tell them that you cannot remember, it just takes the pressure off. When you do remember or focus, it then makes you feel better about yourself. For further information, take a look at The Menopause Room on this link n-fog/
Share with PeriMenoPost your stories let us know if you have found what you have found in your handbag or maybe the fridge? The more we can share and support one another the better.
Have a great week!