Active wear is now your choice of clothes during the Perimenopause and Menopause. Lycra and trainers, go for it why not!!!
Exercise is not just for younger women, mums it’s also for women like us of a certain age too! Can I hear a yay?

Personally exercise has been a key role for helping to manage my Menopause symptoms. It gives you a happy feeling, releasing those all important happy endorphins!!! Exercise gives you a smile, you get to keep fit, tone up all at the same time! it’s a win, win!!
I agree and yes, we have all been there. There are days when you have had a terrible nights sleep or you are up with the lark having
not slept. You have no energy or any enthusiasm to get moving and exercise, it has happened to me and I have been there.

Choose an exercise that you enjoy, take that first step today, what have you got to lose?
Try running, cycling, a group led exercise class, swimming, a hobby/sport, yoga and pilates. Exercise is ever evolving, there are always classes to try or maybe just put on your trainers , open the door and go for a run or walk? Exercise helps to clear the mind, gives you a great sense of wellbeing. If I have not been active my body then starts to tell me, my body starts to ache, my joints begin to stiffen and is quite uncomfortable. As we grow older and manage the Menopause it is important for our bones and our heart health. Weight bearing exercise is also good for ensuring bone health which
can help with making our bones stronger, which helps to keep osteoporosis at bay.
There have been times that exercise has been my saviour and sanity!! I have met many people and made great friends through exercise. After I’ve exercised I have an increased energy, more focus of mind and have an all round happier mood. Yes, I do get tired, I listen to my body and will then rest. I then choose to have a warm bath, a read and then possibly the best remedy an early night. You can’t beat an early night, right?

During this time I have rediscovered my love of exercise training. As a young child my love of Gymnastics enabled me to train four times a week. I reached competing and professional level for Gymnastics
on vault and floor. I am really enjoying the feeling of training now as it reminds me of my younger self and how good it makes me feel.
My absolute loves are spinning, barre, yoga and pilates.
Let the Menopause be the start of start of a love of fitness!
Share with us what form of exercise helps you to manage the Menopause, what works for you?
We would love to hear your stories about exercise. Take that first step and don’t look back.
Have a great week!!!